
been away............

Magdalena de Mocha 

Mi regalo de Cumplee :D


Pasta de Hojaldre

Vainilla Mini Muffins

Sponch Cupcakes

Sorry Muffins for my boy

Magdalena de Coco y Pasas

Zepelin de Colores

Muffins de Manzana y Zanahoria 

Pastel de Amapola Cubierto de Fondant

Pastel de Amapola con Relleno de cajeta
Zepelin de Queso Crema con pasas
Lately .I've been studiing as a maniac...well baking...xD
Also iit was my b day.. on tuesday....
But nOw iim gOna shOw yOu sOme piics of what i`ve been up tO..


Starting a Blog

Lately my life has been so amazing......Im finally starting to come out of my desease....Anorexia
And Begining my life as a pastry Chef (Totally Skip College...xD)

Well this is goiing to be for all of food lovers, especially pastry ones .....;)

Well this is...the journal of a girl whO symply LOOVES tO bake and create...:D

That's me makiing the blOg :)